Aht, Aht, Aht! July is here and it’s time to get consistent, forreal, forreal!

If you joined Mattie James’ #ConsistencyChallenge in May then you already have your Instagram consistency on point. But, how many of us (yes, myself included) are out here with the title “Blogger” and ain’t posted not nan blog post in months? Or if we have, it has been spotty and inconsistent. It has been so bad for me that I just stopped calling myself a blogger and began using the title, “Content Creator”, mainly because so much focus had been put into building up my Youtube and Instagram platforms that I left my website hanging. SO! In the spirit of turning 34 (my birthday is in July), I decided I really want to focus on growing ALL of my platforms around my website and to use MarieCashmere.com more purposefully.


A couple of days ago, I called out all of my blogger baes and challenged everyone to be consistent with growing their blog platforms during the month of July. I think that there is so much going on right now that we all are in search of mental outlets and different ways that we can make a difference. Thinking of starting a blog? Start now. Waiting to launch that website? Launch it now. Now is the perfect time. Here are the details on what I am challenging you to do in July:

  • POST on your blog/website 2-3x/week during the month of July

  • PROMOTE each post on your social media and/or email list using the hashtag #BloggersConsistencyChallenge

  • TRACK your traffic pattern over the 31 day period to gage your results

Blogging definitely takes more effort than just posting a pretty picture and caption everyday…unless that’s what your blog is about. I definitely think that the best way to do this is to PLAN and SCHEDULE your posts! My goal is to stay, at least, a week or two ahead and to stay on track. I’ve been using a specific planner for this and will be sharing more details soon, so make sure you are subscribed to the email list :-) I recommend taking time to plan out your posts and then schedule time to actually create not only the content, but the promotion for the content, as well!

You got this, sis! Who’s in? Be sure to tag me on Instagram in all of your content promotions so I can read your posts and engage! I’m excited to get to know you better through your personal platform :-)

